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There’s always more to learn—even for teachers—and retirement saving is a prime example.  The notion that there is more to be done to educate the educators about preparing for retirement is not new. In a paper released in early 2022, “Teachers’ Knowledge and Preparedness for Retirement: Results... READ MORE
In MarketBeat, John Iekel discusses recommendations the Advisory Council on Employee Welfare and Pension Benefit Plans makes regarding guidance relevant to the rise of electronic recordkeeping. READ MORE
Tech Talk discusses the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), a nongovernmental, self-regulatory organization, authorized by statute to exercise oversight over 403(b)s. READ MORE
Teachers are closer to having expanded options for retirement income in two states as their legislatures consider—and chambers pass—bills that would do that.  Alaska  In Alaska, teachers would be able to choose between defined benefit or defined contribution coverage if a bill that would allow... READ MORE
Legislation that would create Alaska Work and Save, a state-run program that would provide retirement plan coverage to private-sector employees in Alaska whose employers do not, is still under consideration.  The bill that would create Alaska Work and Save, SB 135, is not new. Sen. Bill... READ MORE
While not quite the bump received from last year’s record inflation, the health savings account (HSA) limits will still receive an increase for 2025, as determined under Section 223 of the Internal Revenue Code.  The new limits were announced May 9 by the IRS in Revenue Procedure 2024-25. The IRS... READ MORE
Arctic Circle, the Big Easy: they could not be in more different parts of the country, but the legislatures of Alaska and Louisiana are considering measures that would do the same thing—call on Congress to repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP).  And they share similar reasoning: the WEP... READ MORE
Recordkeeping today is not your grandfather’s recordkeeping; maybe not even your older sibling’s, writes John Iekel in MarketBeat. He discusses a report by the Advisory Council on Employee Welfare and Pension Benefit Plans on recordkeeping and the need for relevant guidance and education from the... READ MORE
Tech Talk discusses expense ratios in light of Government Office of Accountability analysis. READ MORE
The effects of the SECURE 2.0 Act cover the gamut from profound and far-reaching to the more mundane yet still important—and that includes reporting about certain retirement plans and saving arrangements—including certain Roth arrangements.  In FS-2024-18, a fact sheet issued May 2, the IRS... READ MORE
